2013 VSPS Annual Program
On Wednesday, 18th September 2013, the first group of 30 students of the Visegrád School of Political Studies attended the Inauguration Ceremony in the Przeździecki Palace in Warsaw.
2014 VSPS Annual Program
The second edition of the Visegrád School of Political Studies was inaugurated on 26 March 2014 in Warsaw, followed by three sessions held in Prague, Bratislava and Budapest. Participants were also invited to attend the annual World Forum for Democracy in Strasbourg, France.
2014 VSPS Meets Eastern Partnership
The V4 meets EaP initiative is an extension of the current Visegrad School of Political Studies that aims to promote the collective and individual V4 democratic transition experience to young political, social and governmental leaders from Eastern Partnership countries.
2014 VSPS Special Judiciary Session
The Special Judiciary Session was an initiative of the Visegrád School of Political Studies and the Hungarian Ministry of Public Administration and Justice, under the support of Deputy Prime Minister Mr. Tibor Navracsics.
2015 V4 Meets EaP
The V4 meets EaP initiative is an extension of the current Visegrad School of Political Studies that aims to promote the collective and individual V4 democratic transition experiences to young political, social and governmental leaders from Eastern Partnership countries.
2015 VSPS + Balkans
VSPS + Balkans was an extension of the Visegrad School of Political Studies (VSPS), promoting the experiences of the V4 democratic transitions, as well as European integration and cooperation to young political, social and governmental leaders from Western Balkan countries.
2015 VSPS Annual Program
The Visegrád School of Political Studies is a joint project of the Council of Europe and the European Academy of Diplomacy in Warsaw, supported by the International Visegrád Fund and organized in cooperation with the Antall Jószef Knowledge Center | Corvinus University, the Diplomatic Academy of Prague, and the Slovak Atlantic Commission.
2015 VSPS Meets Russia
Visegrad School of Political Studies Meets Russia aims at supporting civil society, combating stereotypes and strengthening ties between young social and political leaders from the Visegrad Group and Russia.
2017 V4 in Europe
The V4 in Europe was the initiative created to inspire a debate on the crucial challenges faced by the European Union and the role of Visegrad cooperation. The program presented the shared experience and achievements of the Czech Republic, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia, as well as the opportunities laying before the four countries, when they act together within the EU.
2017 VSPS Meets Russia
The 2017 edition of the Visegrad School of Political Studies Meets Russia was titled “Empowering Civil Society” and aimed at supporting civil society, combating stereotypes and strengthening ties between young social and political leaders from Europe and Russia.
2017 VSPS Migration Program
The 2016/2017 VSPS Annual Program „Perceptions of migration in Visegrad Group and Germany” (VSPS Migration Program) was designed to influence and shape the public debate on migration in Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. During 4 sessions, the program took 16 young leaders to 4 cities in 3 countries, where they attended workshops, discussions and meetings covering different aspects of migration.
2018 Transatlantic – Russia Civic Workshops
The 2018 program entitled the Transatlantic – Russia Civic Workshops were designed to support and strengthen civil society, bridge the U.S.-Russia-Visegrad cooperation and promote collaborative projects between participating countries.
2018 VSPS Migration Program
The 2018 VSPS Annual Program „Perceptions of migration in the Visegrad Group” (VSPS Migration Program) is designed to influence and shape the public debate on migration in Czech Republic, Germany, Hungary, Poland and Slovakia. During 4 sessions, the program takes 20 young leaders to 4 cities in 3 countries, where they will attend workshops, discussions and meetings covering different aspects of migration.
2019 VSPS Western Balkans Initiative
On 2 of July, the EAD launched its newest project focusing on sharing the Polish and Visegrad European integration experience with the Western Balkan countries. Participants of the VSPS Western Balkans Initiative took part in 3 days of meetings and discussions on civil society, security, good governance and combatting corruption, regional cooperation, and priorities of foreign policy.